Te Waharoa o Aotea

Te Waharoa o Aotea

Waharoa’ by Selwyn Muru is a seven metre high gateway and stands at the entrance to Aotea Square, transforming it into a marae or meeting place, and Aotea Centre into a meeting house. At the top of the gateway, five main symbols arise. Looking from Queen Street from the right, is Tama nui te Ra (God of the Sun). Next to him is Tangaroa, God of the Sea, seen in whale form, mounted by a myth-man. In the middle is Tane Mahuta (God of the Forest), who is depicted as a bird, and beside him is Tawhiri Matea (God of the Elements). On the far left, representing heavenly spheres, is Whetu me te Marama (the crescent moon and stars).

Asset type image
Asset extension JPG
File size 13.46 MB
Dimensions 5472×3648px
ID 126401


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