Man and woman on walking bridge

Man and woman on walking bridge

Happy, young, active couple walking across the southern entrance bridge at the start of the Te Henga Walkway in Aucklands West Coast.

Asset type image
Asset extension JPG
File size 15.92 MB
Dimensions 6720×4480px
ID 127892


Licence Unpaid media Royalty-free use worldwide in unpaid digital and print media. Exception applies for use in boosted posts on social media. Tātaki Auckland Unlimited, Agency and Partner user roles may use the asset in paid media. User role can be identified in User > My Profile.
Expiry No expiry date
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Adventure Apparel Auckland Tourism Auckland walks Banister Bethells Bethells Beach Boardwalk Building Cliff top Clothing Coastal Cliffs Constable Road Couple day trip Dunes exploring Fitness Fitness apparel Friends Handrail Hike Hiking Human Image Lagoons Landscape Lookout Man Maunga Native bush Native Coastal Forest Native Forest Nature no brand O'Neill Bay Outdoor Activities Outdoors Person Plant Raetahinga Point Railing Regional Auckland Tourism Sunny Te Henga Te Henga Walkway Tourism Tourists Tramping Trees Unpaid media Urban Oasis Vegetation Waitakere River Walk Walking tracks Walking trails waves West Auckland West Coast Woman